Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Can you please give me some mommy advice?

I have a very good friend who is pregnant and I've been thinking about something to get her for her baby shower that is personal and unique. I decided that I wanted to make her a little journal filled with advice and suggestions from current mothers. (She has never really been around babies so this is going to be a whole new world to her).

Please answer:

What was the most unexpected thing you found about having children/becoming a mother?

What is the best advice that you received and/or would give a new mother?

Also, can you please list how old your kids currently are (I don't care if they're babies or full-grown, hopefully this is something that she'll be able to refer to in the future as well).Can you please give me some mommy advice?
I did not become a mom till i was 30 and I was so greatful to have my family there for me.........nothing can ever prepare u for taking care of a newborn. my son was a good baby(now 2 is not so good.But just offer her advice and a hand when she needs it.................it will come to her.Can you please give me some mommy advice?
My son is now 21. I always told him not to drink or do drugs. WE talked about it all the time. He doesn't drink or do drugs, unlike so many of his freinds and school mates. I am so proud of him.

I also never ever hit him. I put him in time out or grounded him when he got older. THere is never any reason to hit a kid.

I think becuase of these two things my son turned out really well even though I raised him all by myself.
Keep a journal or scrapbook with pictures and write down the cute little things they say and do through out the years. You will love to look back at that when they are older.
Trust your instincts! Follow your own mother's intuition over other's advice, and believe me there will be a TON of unsolicited advice! Know that the first 6 weeks (at least) will be REALLY hard but you CAN and WILL get through it!!!

Also refer to www.askdrsears.com A LOT, that sight has helped me immensely! Also a GREAT book is 'Adventures in Gentle Discipline' by Hilary Flower. Also ANY book by Dr.Sears is a lifesaver.
Most unexpected:

To be able to be completely smitten with this little piece of you, to become aware that you no longer breathe for yourself but for your children. I didn't know how much I could love until my babies came. Or how much I wanted to be a better person for them and them alone.

Best advice:

Giving birth: Expect the worst, it'll be better than that.

Raising: Don't neglect the little things, first smile, first giggle, spending time nursing/feeding baby. When they are newly upon this earth it goes so quickly, next thing you know they are walking and or running from you. (lol) Enjoy being needed for this little person's survival, don't grudgingly get up in the middle of the night to feed them (though all of us have wished for 15 more minutes sleep). Just remember, it's quality time that you'll never get back.

Best of luck to your friend, and I think this is a wonderfully thoughful gift to give her. ^.^
The most unexpected thing I found about becoming a mother was that even when you buy the most expensive highest quality diapers, you are going to have a ';blow-out'; and baby will be covered in poo up to his/her neck and maybe even in his/her hair. This will happen more than once and probably while your baby has on his/her cutest most expensive outfit from Grandma.

The best advice I received was to have a sense of humor about these things. You're going to be tired. You may not get to shower every day. You may have a sink full of dirty dishes. It's all part of the experience and one day, you'll have stories to tell your kids.

My daughter is 3 years old and my second daughter is due 10/18
they are a lot of work, but are a wonderful joy. They don't sleep through the night, and you have to go by there schedule. There is know schedule for mommy and daddy. And if you are breastfeeding be prepared, to have to be ready for duty, at all times. That is one thing daddy can't do for you unless you pump.

Just to take each day, as a new day. Enjoy, there little spills, spit up, diapers, feeding and sleeping, they will grow up way to fast. Always show affection towards them. From the first day. They can sense if you are not be caring , and loving.

Well, I don't have kids, I just know cause I have a nephew, and I babysit, and work with kids.
The most unexpected thing that I have found about having a child is that I NEVER, EVER thought that I could love someone so very much. I have been so overcome by the amount of love and affection that I have for my child.

The best advise that I got was that no matter how embarrassing the situation may be, just remember everyone that is staring at you in that resteraunt or store, either did that same thing as child or has a child that did that as well! It helps to remember that when your 4 year old wants to know why that man looks so crazy..and she wonders that at the very top of her lungs!

6 years old
I just want to say that from the perspective of someone that is having their first child, that is a very useful and thoughtful gift. I'd love it if one of my friends took the time and gave me a gift like that. I am sure she will cherish it. :)
i have a 20 year old ,a 14 year old and a 2 year old,and the best advise i have ever got-ton is that no matter how stressed you are you need to pretend that you are not so that the baby does not pick up on your stress! it makes a stressful situation so less stressful!
My son is 11 yrs old now. The best advice I got when he was a baby was to sleep when he did. I soon found out that if I didn't I may not get any sleep! lol....Another thing, if baby starts to cry alot I found that holding him close to me %26amp; bouncing with him helped as I sat on the side of the bed. (standing %26amp; bouncing on not much sleep is a little exhausting) lol... My son was a little colicy, hopefully your friends baby won't be. Oh %26amp; I bought lots of sack gowns (thats what we call them around here) instead of sleepers. It's much easier to change babys diaper when they are wearing these, especially if baby is cranky %26amp; or you are going on very little sleep. And if someone offers to help watch the baby....let them help. You don't have to be superwoman. Newborns are alot of work. The important thing is to not get stressed out, the baby can sense what mommy is feeling %26amp; they'll react to that so try to be as relaxed as possible. Subscribe her to a parenting magazine. I had one %26amp; there is alot of good advice in them. And take pictures!!! They grow %26amp; change so very fast in their 1st yr especially. She will be so glad to have those pics to look back on. I wish your friend the best of luck with her new bundle of joy! Best wishes %26amp; God bless! : )
I have always loved children and wanted several of my own, but what really took me by surprise when I had my son three years ago was the immediate and overpowering sense of love, security and comfort I got the second I laid eyes on him. Nothing in the world compares to the love and comfort I still get every time I look into my now preschool-aged son's eyes, it melts my heart every time.

I would just recommend that a new mom relax and savor every moment. Don't fuss over whether or not you remembered to pack 4 diapers or only 3, or if the baby's pacifier falls on the floor, it will be OK!

I have a 3 1/2 year old son and am 34 weeks pregnant with a little girl.
I have 3 daughters, ages 16, 12 %26amp; 5. I can only say 1 thing to offer. Just Remember they WILL ALWAYS REPEAT the 1 thing that you have said, that you don't want them to repeat, especially at the most embarrassing time. :)
Let housework go if you dont have help every day.Time flies by so fast and you need to spend as much precious time as you can with your baby.My kids are 8,2,and 4 mo old.
When baby sleeps, you sleep or you will always be exhausted.
Back 2 your mother %26amp; family !!!!
the most unexpected thing i found about having children is how much happiness babies bring to your life. one little smile and it brightens up your whole day. i never knew children could bring so much joy to my life. and the best advice i could give is always follow your instinct when it comes to your baby. sometimes its hard to trust yourself being a new parent, you will always worry that you are doing something wrong, but always listen to your gut. 9 times out of 10 it is right. there is nothing smarter than a mothers instinct. i have an 11 month old little girl.
keep kids away from household plants some are toxic and some paralyze. Kids will eat them and they will put anything in their mouth

5 kids from 15 to 26
Our daughter is 2. The most unexpected thing I found as a mother was the amount of love my heart could hold. I never knew I could love so much.

The best advice I got was to trust my instincts. Everyone has advice on babies, but a mother knows her own child best.
The most unexpected thing I found was love. Don't get me wrong, I planned my pregnancy and loved my baby before he was born...but it's much more than you imagine when they give you your new baby for the first time. You have so much love I can't describe it to you.

The best advice I can give is this: love, trust, patience, and relax. You may not do things the way others want you to do them, and that's OK. You will do things your way and as long as you are doing it out of love and concern for your baby that's what matters.

My son is almost 1. You will hear this so many times, and eventually you'll blow it off, but it is so true...they grow up so fast. Keep your camera ready!

Good luck and congratulations!!

Jacob's Mommy
not me, sorry.
that your kids might not have a daddy
the most unexpected thing i have learned about being a mom is how the months fly by so catch every moment with cameras

the best advice would have to be no mom is perfect and hope and pray that your child can forgive you for the mistakes you make along the way. and i would tell a new mom to not be afraid to ask for help because having a baby is very demanding

i am a first time mom to my 5 month old son
The most unexpected thing was how easy and natural the mother role came to me.

The best advice I can give is that you need to do what you feel is right for your child. Don't let anyone else tell you how to raise your children.

Mother of Kylee, 5 month old beautiful girl
my child is 7 now . i can give some good advise though. no matter how mad you are when your child gets into trouble just be paiteint and talk to your child . never spank your child. spanking just causes them to rebell more . spanking also teaches them that hitting is ok. also take time to listen to children. dont jump the gun.
1. You never have free time for yourself anymore! While I realized going into my first pregnancy that my baby would (and should!) take up the majority of my time, I didn't realize just exactly how much time that would actually be...about 99% of it!

2. SLEEP WHEN THE BABY SLEEPS!!! (Seriously...unless your house is actually *dirty*, the housework can wait. Scattered toys, unfolded laundry and the like really can wait...)

3. I have a son who just turned 28 months, and another son who just turned 1 year.
Motherhood is not for sissies!
How I would feel the 1st time they smiled at me. How fast they would grow up. When you feel down don't hesitate to call someone. My kids are 3, 5, and 9.
The most unexpected thing I learned was that I really knew nothing, and that everything I used to think mattered in the world no longer did as much. Even w/#2 I realized again that I still know nothing and each day I learn from both of my children.

The best thing about kids is you get to be a kid again. The fun of bubbles, or telling silly jokes so many little things that you don't do when you grow up. I think they are even more fun as you see your childs face light up.

I have two boys one just turned 6 and the other is 15 months old.
That's cute. I wanted to do this for my friends as well, so I have lots of em stored up. LOL

I have a 6 and 8 year old.

Two things I remember........when you get new baby clothes, wash them all first. All at the same time. This way you know what size they REALLY are after they shrink so you can get the use out of them when they fit. So many times I'd wait til they fit the baby, they'd wear it once, and then I'd wash it and it was no longer wearable cause it shrunk.

Second.....when you have an infant......sleep when the baby sleeps. Take those day time naps, even if the chores are piling up. Say YES to outside help if it's offered. No one will give you a medal for being tired and having a clean house and doing all of it on your own.

And the most unexpected thing I found......how much you can love the stranger they put in your lap for the first time.......suddenly you don't love your dogs and cats as much, you become like a mother wolf protecting her young. A nd you don't have to try.....it just happens overnight.
I have two children- 3 and 5 yrs. The most unexpected thing is how you have to plan everything. Even a trip to the store for milk can be hard. But, it is so worth it. My five year old said to me today, ';Mommy guess what.'; I thought she had gotten into trouble, but she said';I love you.'; They just melt your heart.

The best advice I have is a trick for when babies cry and won't stop. Place them face down across your legs. Gently raise your legs up and down and pat their butts at the same time. It put my kids to sleep every time.

Tell your friend good luck and enjoy every minute of it.

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