Sunday, August 22, 2010

Can you give me any Pole Vaulting advice?

I just started pole vaulting and a coch from another school saw me vault and told me I had alot of potential. I really want to break the school record this year. What are some drills I can be doing at home? I do not have my own pole. Are there any drills I can do without a pole??? If you have any tips for me please tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!Can you give me any Pole Vaulting advice?
Hey,, I'm also a vaulter. It's Alto of fun once you totally start skying. Well here are a few things to just all around help. You can get some type of like tube like 3-ish feet long and long it up tall as if you are getting ready to run into the pit and bring you top right hand down next to your lower left side of your ribs, than at the same time with your left hand bring it up past your ear so it's vertical with your right hand. hopefully that makes sense. while you do that bring your driving knee up. than twist around and throw your tube/pipe. it's very hard for me to explain without showing you so sorry if i sound like a freak. another thing to do is pole runs like go out in your driveway and do everything as if you had a pole get your power start and run with tall knees plant your imaginary pole. you cannot really do too much at home with no facility at your hands, but do runs, eat well, and weight train you strength.

best of luck lady vaulter

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