Thursday, August 19, 2010

What's the best advice you can give for first-time snowboarders?

going snowboardig for the first time. any advice?What's the best advice you can give for first-time snowboarders?
lessons are good... Expensive.. i taught several friends and my wife.... before you do anything learn how to get in and out of your bindings... i showed my wife how to get in, get out, and stand up... she did it a few times in the living room and when we got to the slopes she didnt need to waste time learning how to do it there.... second learn how to plow (preferably heel edge) after you perform the falling leaf a few times (back and forth) down the slope plowing you will learn how to stop.. after that just point (with your finger) where you want to go, doing that turns your shoulders and when you turn your shoulders it turns your hips and your board follows... do that a few times and the whole carving thing will soon follow... Granted these are not ';advanced'; tips but they do work.What's the best advice you can give for first-time snowboarders?
don't give up. no matter how pissed off you get because you keep falling.
my only tip is.. ski instead. lol
Stay balenced, keep in contact with the board and the snow.
I just learned last year, and everyone kept stressing to me that if (when) I fall not to put my hands in front or behind me b/c you could seriously hurt your wrists. As far as technique when you are on the board your legs are slightly bent, you butt is kind of tucked in and your heels are back. Good Luck!!
Don't fall (Sorry, couldn't resist)
Take lessons. Don't give up on the first day because the first day suck big ones for everyone and they feel like they never want to try it again.
bend your knees, keep in control, stay at a speed your comfortable with
when you fall dont put your hands in back of you to catch your self its a good way to sprain your wrists
Get some hip/butt pads like football players wear and wrist guards like for Rollerblading, and be prepared to fall...a bunch.
wear plenty of pads and keep your weight in the center of your skis.

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