Monday, August 23, 2010

What is the best advice you can give a first time major comic book convention attendee?

I'm going to my first major comic book convention(wizardworld chicago),I would appreciate any advice i can get on making it a great experience.I don't want want to make any silly mistakes just because i didn't know any better but there are no resources online.Please help.What is the best advice you can give a first time major comic book convention attendee?
i go to comic-con international every year and here are my survival tips:

1. wear comfortable shoes - you're going to be on your feet all day!

2. bring a backpack to carry your loot in.

3. to save on overpriced convention food and drink, bring a bottle of water and your favorite non-crushable snacks - i carry pop-tarts, but you might like granola bars or string cheese.

4. carry extra cash - some dealers might cut you a break for cash only (no tax), and the convention ATMs might have a surcharge and a long line.

5. look at the program in advance - if they have different panels, chart out which ones you absolutely have to go see, the ones that you are somewhat interested in. plan your schedule accordingly.

6. bring something to do while standing in line - a book, iPod or gameboy. or bring a friend to talk to. or make friends

7. while it might be fun to just party all day and not sleep or shower, be kind to your fellow conventioneers and shower and use deodorant. no one wants to have to stand behind ';didn't shower'; guy.

8. if you are looking to complete a collection or find particular items, remember to shop around - dont just buy 'the item' at the first place that is selling it. be willing to ask 'can i get a discount?'

9. if you are talking to a celebrity, be polite and don't ask if they will marry you. also, if they are signing autographs, they might be a bit tired, so don't expect them to be happy after signing autographs for a huge crowd. (but when they are happy, it can make for a great experience to chat with them)

10. if just browsing around the shopping area, set a budget for yourself, and stick to it. don't blow all your money on every cool thing in sight.What is the best advice you can give a first time major comic book convention attendee?
Actually, this advice is also good for most conventions and hobby/craft shows. I've been to science fiction conventions (much overlap with comics), and to doll collectors' shows, and it's all good advice.

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Don't Take small children. Comic book conventions tend to be Porn conventions too.

If you want to sell stuff pack it with ya and approach some of the pricier dealers.

If the convention is still as the Rosemont, park on the lower level and walk across the street, you won't get caught in a line going in.

Take some of your gaming stuff with you if you are involved with stuff like HeroClix, or other card games.


Take books that you would like to get signed, YOU NEVER KNOW WHO MIGHT BE THERE.

Have a great time.
Take a sketch book.
See if you can score some limited edition comics.

Good luck
Wow, have a good time.

Depending upon what your plans for going are, there is different advice.

If you're going to collect autographs: Prepare in advance what you want signed, and always, ALWAYS, ask the person you are meeting if they will personalize your autograph (To......, For.....,Whatever) this will generally make them take some kind of notice of you. In many cases people just want the signature to boost the resale of the book. Also, wherever possible ask them some well thought out questions. Good examples are about inspirations, what they are reading now, who they read as they were growing up. Try to avoid standing about and praising them, They hear this all the time.

If you're going to have some work reviewed: Be prepared to leave something with an editor or publisher. Very few publishers will review on site, and those that do generally will not do a thourough job. Make sure you have read over all submission guidelines for the companies you plan to leave work for. Also, and I can't stress this enough, do NOT give Marvel your Superman samples, or DC your renditions of Captain America. They won't really appreciate that. They want to see you can draw their characters as well as your style and story telling ability. Same goes for writing. Don't give a Spiderman script to DC comics.

If you're going to sell: Make sure everything you have is in nice, clean bags, but easily accessible to dealers who may want to check interior quality. Try to sell in lots or full collections, it;s hard to move single issues unless you have something very rare or very popular that everyone wants. Also, be prepared to haggle on price. Don't expect a full WIZARD magazine value, conventions are not the place for that.

If you're looking to buy: Have a good plan of what you want, but don't necessarily stick to it 100%. I find that some of teh best things I have bought were never on my list in the first place. Conventions are a great place to find miniseries collections or graphic collections for pretty cheap. Also, don't buy at the first dealer you see. More often then not, you can find the same items at various tables with, sometimes, very different pricing. Unless you can be sure you're getting the best price, shop around.

Finally, just have a good time. Cons can be stressful, what with line-ups, crowds, etc. Just relax and enjoy. Everyone else is there for the same reason, to have a good time and share a love of comics and collectables.
Shop around dont spend all your money at one booth and enjoy yourself!!

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