Thursday, August 19, 2010

Any wedding advice you would like to offer?

I am getting married next Saturday. Everything is confirmed and booked. I was just wondering if there are any finishing touches you would recommend or anything that you regret doing or not doing. If you have been to a wedding and you thought something was a good idea I would Iove to hear.

ThanksAny wedding advice you would like to offer?
If you have time and money, get a massage the morning of your wedding. It will put you in a peaceful mood and give you an hour to reflect on the day before it gets away from you.

Also, don't expect the wedding night to be amazing sex! You'll probably both be exhausted. Just get 'er done and crash!!Any wedding advice you would like to offer?
the last wedding i attended was very nice, however if I had to pick a few things that should have been different they would be;

1) if you have a coordinator or host, make sure she is doing her job and not mingling long periods of time with guests. its okay to be friendly and attentive to your guest but not over do it, she is there to assist your guests and make sure everything is running smoothly, make sure she does!

2) depending on the type of music you have, soft music should be played during dinner, and the bar should close during that time, if dance music is being played it sometimes distracts the guests from sitting down for dinner, and keeps them at the bar if its open
I'm not engaged or married, but I once attended a wedding were the bride was so nervous, she made herself sick!!

It didn't surprise me, because she had (and still has many years later) a very nervous personality. But, she once confided in me, that she was disappointed and sad that she had ruined her wedding reception. (she got sick after the ceremony, once she started to relax in the limo, all her nerves caught up with her, she threw up at the reception site)

So, my best advice is to remain calm and remember to eat and drink the day of the wedding. Have a glass of champagne or even take a few aspirin to calm your nerves (but don't do both, that's a bad idea) But, don't let anything get you so worked up, you get sick on your wedding day.
have fun and RELAX! i, surprisingly didn't stress much at all during our 8 month engagement (which is rare b/c i am a little high strung and anxious). the last week of my engagement i had a mani/pedi, a facial, and a massage. make sure you do the facial and massage early in the week just in case your face is red or your muscles are sore. please remember that if something goes ';wrong'; most people won't even have a clue and also remember that you two and your family and friends are there to celebrate your union. my vocalist and organist were about 40 minutes late....i was ready to start without them.....but, it all worked out and no one really noticed the time! i loved my engagement and loved our wedding even more. it was one of the best times of my life. also, make sure and drink lots of! don't drink too much at the rehearsal dinner and have your maid of honor stay the night with you and get lots of sleep!!!!!

best of luck!!!!
Make sure you eat a good breakfast and lunch (if the wedding is in the evening).

Pack a small kit of things you may need.

- sewing kit

- white chalk (to cover small stains on your dress)

- extra stockings

- pain killers

- makeup for touch ups.

- tissues

- bottles of water with straws (so you don't mess up your lipstick)

- crackers, nuts, and small candies (you may need a boost)

- mints to keep your tummy calm and breath fresh

- band aids

You may want a camera to take some ';bride's view'; pre-wedding photos.

Remember, something will go wrong. Most likely it will be small and unimportant. Have a trusted person fix it if they can, if not accept it with grace and a sense of humor.

Smile. Enjoy the day. Have a wonderful time.
The day passes really really fast so just try to enjoy it. Get everything in place best you can this week. Bags packed, shoes, bras, nylons, jewelry all together. You want to relax as much as you can the day of and before. Soak it in. You only get one and it's over before you know it!
,you can question until the cows come home, but the day is yours enjoy each other no matter what happen good luck
make sure the photographer takes pictures of the reception area before the guest arrive.
just relax and enjoy it, it will be over in the wink of an eye....just relax and have fun...Congrats!

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