Saturday, July 31, 2010

My cockerspaniel, may be pregnant, she got fat and her **** got big what advice can you give me?

my family and i just moved from pennsilvania to texas by car, we brought our 2 dogs with us. The problem is their both oppisite sex and two different breeds of dogs. we ussually keep them seperate, but on the trip they were together alot. Im hoping shes not pregnant, the pups will be mutes, and dont want to deal with that.

Her stomach isnt big but she put on alot of weight, but so did our male dog, so im confused, but i went to go rub her stomach and her **** were poking out like i never seen, do you think im just paranoid?My cockerspaniel, may be pregnant, she got fat and her **** got big what advice can you give me?
please have your dogs spayed and neutered and then you wont have to worry about things like this.My cockerspaniel, may be pregnant, she got fat and her **** got big what advice can you give me?
I think you mean the pups will be mutts, not mutes. Mute means they will not .... oh never mind....

Since it appears to be a mystery to you and I am guessing to your folks, you can just wait and see if puppies are born. If there are pups, your family must be responsible for them and make certain they get all their vaccinations and that you find a great home for each puppy, not just dump them at a shelter. You would take your female in just as soon as she has weaned the puppies and have her spayed. Take your male with her, get him neutered too.

If the Vet doesn't think she is pregnant, then get her spayed NOW. Get the male neutered now, as well.
The pups will not be mutes, they will be mutts. Why not spay and neuter.
There are enough dogs being put down in shelters because of irresponsible people like you. Take them both to the vet and get them fixed. You should have done that a long time ago!!!!!!!!!
She could be coming into season. Is her vagina red and swollen? Honestly if you have two un fixed opposite sexed dogs, you're asking for puppies. Usually you can't even tell the dog is pregnant until the last few weeks of pregnancy so be prepared. You should get at least one of them fixed so you won't have to worry about this in the future.
Was she in heat when you were on the trip? I would take her to the vet. Get her spayed....they can do it even if she is pregnant to avoid the litter.
Call today to make an appt. to have both of your dogs fixed.
She is most likely pregnant. Prepare for the puppies just in case and keep an eye on her. Oh and mutts aren't bad, in fact I have heard that mutts live longer than purebreds. Just don't do anything harmful to them.
take her to the vet
A few questions;

Was your b*tch in season when you moved?

If not, there is nothing to worry about!

If she was in season, were they alone together. What I mean is that if you were in the car with them all the time you would probably have noticed what was going on. If you didn't see anything, she may not be pregnant.

A b*tch doesn't usually start looking fatter until she is around 5 weeks pregnant, and for a hairy dog such as a Cocker Spaniel it may go un-noticed for longer.

Her nipples wouldn't usually get any bigger until the final couple of weeks of pregnancy too.

Also, where on earth would you get the impression that the pups would be mutes, should she be pregnant and have puppies? Even if the dogs are brother and sister it will not throw out mute puppies, unless there is a genetic defect within the dogs joint pedigree.

May I also suggest that you at least get your b*tch spayed. At least you will know that there is no chance of an unplanned pregnancy in the future.

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