Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given?

Just curious, plus I'm in need of some good advice right now. Thanks!What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given?
Ive been given several good advice but my top are:

%26gt;no man is worth your tears and when he is he will never make you cry.

%26gt;despite any situation you are in, just remeber no one has control over you life but yourself. Only you have control over the desicions you make.

%26gt;mistakes are learning experiences and are good for you but if you continue to make the SAME mistake then you will never learn and live a life of many regrets.

%26gt;Dont let little things bring you down. You have only one life to live and if you waste it being miserable then you did not live life to its fullest.

%26gt;no one is perfect and thats including you. dont be too hard on yourself to make others happy but do what makes you happy. you dont have to be hard on yourself on everything you do, you can only do your best.

%26gt;Never doubt your potential.What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given?
Let go and move on
Don't fool yourself.

Life is a balance.

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